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Friends Season 1 Episode 3 -The One With The Thumb その7


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyond except Monica and Joey is watching Lambchop.]

Chandler: Ooh, Lambchop. How old is that sock? If I had a sock on my hand for thirty years it'd be talking too.

Ross: Okay. I think it's time to change somebody's nicotine patch. (Does so.)

Monica: (entering) Hey. Where's Joey?

Chandler: Joey ate my last stick of gum, so I killed him. Do you think that was wrong?

Rachel: I think he's across the hall.

Monica: Thanks. (Goes to fetch him.)

Ross: (finishing changing Chandler's nicotine patch) There y'go.

Chandler: (deadpan) Ooh, I'm alive with pleasure now.

Ross: Hey Pheebs, you gonna have the rest of that Pop-Tart?.. Pheebs?

Phoebe: Does anyone want the rest of this Pop-Tart?

Ross: Hey, I might!

Phoebe: Sorry. ..Y'know, those stupid soda people gave me seven thousand dollars for the thumb.

All: You're kidding. Oh my God.

Phoebe: And on my way over here, I stepped in gum. ...What is up with the universe?!

Joey: (dragged in by Monica, he has just gotten out of the shower) What's going on?

Monica: Nothing. I just think it's nice when we're all here together.

Joey: Even nicer when everyone gets to wear their underwear..

Rachel: Uh, Joey..

Joey: Oh, God! (Hurriedly closes his legs.)

Monica: (turns off the TV) Okay..

All: Oh! That was Lambchop!

Monica: Please, guys, we have to talk.

Phoebe: Wait, wait, I'm getting a deja vu...no, I'm not.

Monica: Alright, we have to talk.

Phoebe: There it is!

Monica: Okay. It's-it's about Alan. There's something that you should know. I mean, there's really no easy way to say this.. uh.. I've decided to break up with Alan.

(They all gasp and clutch each other.)

Ross: Is there somebody else?

Monica: No, nononono.. it's just.. things change. People change.

Rachel: We didn't change..

Joey: So that's it? It's over? Just like that?

Phoebe: You know.. you let your guard down, you start to really care about someone, and I just- I- (starts chewing her hair)




Chandler: あ〜Lambchopだ。この靴下どれだけ古いんだ。俺も30年手に靴下はめてたら、その靴下も喋るようになるかな

Ross: うむ。誰かさんのニコチンパッチを取り替える時間かな (取り替える)

Monica: (入ってきて) ねぇ、ジョーイは?

Chandler: ジョーイは俺の最後のガムを食べたから殺した。問題でも?

Rachel: ジョーイは向こうの部屋にいると思うよ

Monica: ありがと (ジョーイを捕まえに行く)

Ross: (チャンドラーのニコチンパッチを変え終わり) できた.

Chandler: (無表情に) あー、喜びに溢れて生きている

Ross: ねぇ、フィーブス。そのお菓子全部食べるの?.. フィーブス?

Phoebe: 誰かこのお菓子食べる?

Ross: なら、僕が!

Phoebe: ごめんなさい ..ほら、あのお菓子なソーダ缶の会社が、親指の件で私に7000ドルくれたの

All: まじで。すごいな

Phoebe: しかもここに来るときにガムを踏んづけちゃうし...この世界はどうなっちゃってるわけ?!

Joey: (シャワーを終えたばかりのところを、モニカにひきづり込まれる) なんなんだよ?

Monica: なんでもない。ここでみんなで一緒にいられるといいなと思って

Joey: みんな下着をつけてたらもっといいんじゃない

Rachel: あのー、ジョーイ..

Joey: うわぁ! (慌てて足を閉じる)

Monica: (テレビを消す) よし..

All: あー! Lambchopだったのに!

Monica: お願い、みんな、ちょっと話しましょう

Phoebe: 待って待って、デジャブだ!いや違う。

Monica: よし、話しましょう。

Phoebe: やっぱりそうだ!

Monica: よし。アランのことなんだけど。あなたたちに知っておいてもらいたくて。その、言いにくいんだけど。あの、アランと別れようと思う。


Ross: 誰か他にいい人がいるの?

Monica: 違う違う、いないいない。ただ、物事って変わるものでしょ。人も変わる。Rachel: 私たちは何も変わらないわ..

Joey: それじゃぁ、これっきり? 終わりなの? それだけ?

Phoebe: ほら.. 心を許して、誰かのことを本気で大切にし始めて、私はただ。。。(髪の毛をくわえる)









there's really no easy way to say this 










